OCCUPATIONS ILLUSTRATED | beroep in beeld | Berufe im Bild | profession en images


It's always interesting to know what sort of occupation an ancestor had. It's even more interesting if you have an illustration of that occupation. This page allows you to obtain one. There are currently four sets of illustrations that can be accessed:

In 1568 the book 'Eygentliche Beschreibung Aller Stünde auff Erden' of Hans Sachs was published, in which each of his verses was accompanied by an illustration (wood-cut) made by Jost Amman. In total 114 occupations were illustrated in this book. Scans were made by Richard Keijzer.

The Luykens' collection comprises 100 etchings of occupations, accompanied by short moralising verses. The illustrations date from around 1690.

The set of quartet cards counts 40 drawings of occupations each with a short rhyme.

The remaining collection comprises all sorts of illustrations of various types, using varied techniques and from a range of periods. A part of these illustrations is from mister
Glasbergen, who is doing research on names of old occopations.

There is no copyright in the illustrations and you are free to download them. Simply click on the right-hand mouse button. The illustrations can be edited using a photo editor or in some cases using the printer program. Using modern word-processing programs, they can also easily be incorporated into documents